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Tag: Personal Insurance

Monitored Driving

In 1998, Progressive Insurance became the first automotive carrier to use what’s called telematics to track its policyholders’ driving habits, and other major insurers followed suit. According to The Idaho National Laboratory, telematics are defined as a “combination of computer science, telecommunications,and vehicles, with the goal of controlling a vehicle or collecting vehicle data.”  Many car insurers offer policyholders the opportunity to have a telematics...

Home Renovations That Can Affect Your Insurance

Home Renovations That Can Affect Your Insurance

Renovating your home can enhance your living environment and increase the value of your property. Home renovations can be chaotic at first, with debris from demolitions piling up. While looking forward to an improved home environment, you need to be aware of some types of home renovations that could affect your insurance coverage. Pools A pool can significantly enhance the value of your home and...

5 Spring Home Maintenance Tips

5 Spring Home Maintenance Tips

When spring arrives, it is time to get ready for the warmer months. These five spring maintenance tips can help you maintain and protect your home. Roof Inspection Your roof has been subjected to harsh winter weather and should be inspected yearly. You can inspect the roof yourself, but it is not recommended. It is advised that you contact a professional roofing company to inspect...

Wildfire Prevention

Most of Tennessee turned a watchful eye to Sevier County and Great Smoky Mountains National Park as news of wildfire devastating the area sparked a massive relief and containment operation  According to a news report from CBS-affiliate WYMT, the Hatcher Mountain and Millstone Gap wildfires combined damaged approximately 220 structures and consumed roughly 3,500 acres. The Insurance Information Institute reported that in 2021, Tennessee experienced...

Motorcycle & Boat Coverage During Winter: Laid Up vs. Canceling

Motorcycle & Boat Coverage During Winter: Laid Up vs. Canceling

Unless you live in one of our warmer states, you will need to winterize and store your boat or motorcycle during the winter months. You have several options, including canceling your insurance, reducing the coverage, or increasing the deductible. What is Lay-Up Insurance? “Lay Up Insurance” is offered by insurance companies serving the northern states, where riding a motorcycle or boating over the winter is...