Introducing Scott Johnston
Posted: March 16, 2018
As the owner of Johnston & Associates, I’d like to share with you a brief story of why I got into this business over 25 years ago. It started in 1991 when my grandparents lost everything they ever owned in the Great Oakland California Fire. They were in their mid-80s and suddenly found themselves with no earthly possessions. To boot, they were vastly under insured....
Why Would Anyone In The World Want To Do Business With Us?
Posted: February 8, 2018
There are a lot of insurance agencies out there to choose from, but you chose us. Why? What were your criteria? Was it strictly pricing? Or was it something else? Aren’t we pretty much interchangeable with any other agency out there? No, in fact, we are not. As the owner of Johnston & Associates, my highest endeavor is to seek to understand what makes you...
Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Holidays!
Posted: December 17, 2017
Tis the season for gatherings and millions of us will take to the airways, rails, and roads. Keep the following tips in mind to ensure your holidays are merry! Ask a neighbor to keep an eye on your place and leave them your contact information and itinerary. Place a hold on your mail and any other deliveries. We’re in the South, but have someone clear...
Distracted Driving And Teens – And All The Rest Of Us
Posted: October 3, 2017
A teen’s two favorite things: the car keys and their cell phone. Unfortunately, that is a dangerous and sometimes deadly combination. And it’s not just an issue for teens. According to the National Safety Council, “Although texting is clearly a serious distraction, NSC data show drivers talking on cell phones are involved in more crashes.” Hmm. That said drivers not just teens. And it said...
The Best Compliment We Can Receive Is Your Referrals!
Posted: July 31, 2016
Shopping for and comparing insurance can be a tedious task. We can offer your friends and family an easy way to compare insurance rates without having to go into an office - they can call us at (615) 716-2123 or just visit our website. Now you can share our superior service and quality insurance products with your friends and family. We’ll follow up with many...