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Category: Renters

Whose Fault Is It, Anyway?

Whose Fault Is It, Anyway?

An odd car accident of sorts made national news two years ago.  According to The Consumerist, the information and news arm of Consumer Reports, a pickup truck in the parking lot a New Jersey Target store hit one of the store’s iconic two-ton, red ball-shaped bollards, which sent it rolling and crashing into another vehicle.  The incident caused over three thousand dollars in damage to the vehicle....

Anatomy Of An Insurance Policy

Anatomy Of An Insurance Policy

For any layperson who has tried to read through a typical insurance policy, whether it be automobile, health, or life, the verbage and vast amount of information can seem off-putting.  However, it is important for every policyholder to have a basic knowledge of insurance terminology in order to be informed should the need to file a claim arise. There are six basic components to every...

Sharing The Road

Sharing The Road

In late May, Nashville CBS-affiliate News Channel 5 reported the death of a young man who was riding a scooter downtown when he was fatally struck by a sport utility vehicle.  Talk of a 30-day ban on the scooters was rejected by the Metro Council, though an alternate plan for greater control over the scooters will be up for a vote on July 16. While local lawmakers work out the kinks...

Burglar-Proofing Your Property While You're Away

Burglar-Proofing Your Property While You're Away

Summer is upon us, and while the appeal of warmer weather and lazy days gives us something to look forward to, it’s also enticing to those who make their living from breaking the law.  According to a report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, which is a division of the United States Department of Justice, crimes like burglary and larceny occur more often in the...

Protecting Your Home From Wind Damage

Protecting Your Home From Wind Damage

The end of May 2019 was a challenge for many residents of the Midwest as a series of violent storms spawned deadly tornadoes.  Reports from Jefferson City, Missouri and Dayton, Ohio told tales of loss of life and financial devastation.  Middle Tennessee made national severe weather news in late Fall 2018 when an F2 tornado touched down in Christiana, killing one woman when it tore...