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Category: Auto Insurance

Determining Car Insurance Rates

Determining Car Insurance Rates

Clarksville, Tennessee lies 50 miles northwest of Nashville and near the Kentucky border.  The fifth largest city in the state has seen a lot of growth over the years, but that has not boded well for residents in some regards. Nashville NBC-affiliate Channel 4 recently reported an increase in car accidents in the area, which can ultimately lead to increased car insurance rates for all,...

What Can I Do If My Car Is Stolen?

What Can I Do If My Car Is Stolen?

Having your car stolen is a traumatic experience. You step out the door, and your car is simply gone – not there where you left it. Unfortunately, it happens every day to vehicle owners all over the U.S. The following is a checklist to prepare you in case that unhappy event ever happens to you. Check to Make Sure Your Car Has Actually Been Stolen...

Protecting Yourself From Insurance Fraud

Protecting Yourself From Insurance Fraud

Murfreesboro is a university town approximately 35 miles from Nashville and connected by Interstate 840 to Franklin and Spring Hill.  On the last weekend of January, it became the site of an increasing problem in America. According to local ABC-affiliate WKRN,  a local man was driving his kids to church in his pickup truck when he stopped at a red light at a busy intersection...

Safe Driving In Major Cities

Safe Driving In Major Cities

While driving in a major city, you are likely to encounter traffic jams, bumper-to-bumper traffic, and large numbers of pedestrians and bicyclists. The following are safe driving tips to help smooth the way and reduce your risk of an accident. Avoid Driving During Rush Hour Peak rush hour traffic typically occurs from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Stay...

Driving Through The Snow

Driving Through The Snow

The stereotype of Southerners and snow is not unfounded.  Middle Tennessee doesn’t get much in the way of severe winter weather, but when it does, it’s a big deal. Four years ago, Brentwood, Franklin, Nashville, and surrounding areas, thanks to back-to-back snowstorms followed by freezing temperatures, saw a record ice accumulation of ¼ of an inch.  The news teemed with reports of traffic accidents, property...